How to Make the First Day of School Less Stressful


Preparing to go back to school can be stressful. Make that first day of school as stress-free as possible by following these simple preparation tips.

When it’s time to go back to school, you’ll have a lot of shopping to do. The kids need school clothes, books, notebooks, pencils, pens, new crayons, a computer or tablet depending on age and backpacks and lunch boxes. And, you may need a new car, especially if the kids have outgrown your old sedan. Stop by Johnson Bros. Ford to test drive a larger sedan or SUV so you have more room for bigger kids.

It’s easy to forget something during school shopping, especially if you have two or more kids. Some schools require some type of uniform, whether it’s an actual uniform or a requirement that students wear a certain color or type of pants and shirt. Creating a list with the help of your children, especially if they are older, will make your shopping experience less stressful.

For clothing and shoes, make a list for each child. Don’t forget the school’s requirements for color and style, gym clothes, a bathing suit if the school has a pool and any special clothing for extra curricular activities.

While some schools provide paper, writing utensils and other items needed, many schools now require that students provide their own, even at elementary level. If you do have to buy these things for grade school students, be sure to have notebooks, plain paper, writing paper with larger lines for the early grades, crayons, pens, pencils, a stapler, glue, a pencil bag, lunchbox and book bag for your grade school student.

Older children will need notebooks, pens, pencils, a book bag, a small lunch cooler and possibly a computer or tablet. Older children may need a notebook for each subject.

Visit Johnson Bros. Ford

Be sure to plan a stop at Johnson Bros. Ford to test drive a new vehicle or give us a call to set up a service appointment if you are going to keep your current vehicle. Ask your service adviser to do a complete safety check on your vehicle when you bring it in for maintenance.

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